Check our Special Offers for Seasonal Discounts
Seasonal checkups are a must for maintaining system performance and efficiency. Each checkup is a thorough review of your heating and/or cooling system that includes the following:
Heating check-ups include:
- Carbon monoxide testing
- Adjust & clean pilot
- Check for rust on burners & clean
- Check belts, tighten if needed
- Check heat strip operation & clean if necessary
AC check-ups include:
- Clean condenser & check evaporator
- Check for adequate airflow through the coil, separate fins
- Check refrigerant charge
- Upgrade outside insulation if needed
- Clear condensate line
All maintenance visits check:
- Oil blower motor
- Seal penetrations in plenum or coil box if needed
- Check thermostat for proper operation
- Check electrical connections; tighten if necessary
- Lubricate all moving parts
- Provide written report of the overall condition