How Do You Know If Your Furnace’s Oil Pump Is Broken?

November 20, 2022

An oil furnace can last between 15 and 25 years, and many people still rely on them. Even though they have a lower energy-efficiency rating than natural gas furnaces, they produce more heat per BTU than heaters that use other types of fuel. Of course, caring for your oil tank and ensuring your furnace is in good working order is vital if you want the device to keep you and your family warm during the long winter nights. Even with routine maintenance, several typical oil furnace problems might develop. Oil pumps are essential to this kind

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How Do Heat Pumps Work in the Winter?

October 20, 2022

Heat pumps are becoming more popular nationwide, including in the Austin area. That’s primarily because they’ve proven to be effective and efficient. They can be more efficient than traditional heating units, and making them even more attractive is the fact that they can operate as air conditioners in the summer. The scientific principle behind a heat pump is that heat is a form of energy that can be transferred. In the summer, heat is transferred from inside a home to the exterior, and in the winter, the opposite happens. Many people have asked us the same question, “Where does the

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Why a Ductless AC Unit Is Viable in Texas

September 20, 2022

As a homeowner in Texas, you know that the summers can be brutal. The temperatures routinely reach the triple digits, and staying cool is essential if you want to survive. Therefore, a ductless AC unit can be a viable way to keep your home cool during the summer months, and here’s why. Energy Efficient A ductless air conditioner is a great option for those looking to improve the energy efficiency of their home or office in Texas. These units work by circulating refrigerant through a system of coils. The system comprises an outdoor compressor or condenser

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Can I Power Wash My AC Unit?

August 16, 2022

When it comes to keeping your air conditioning system in optimal condition, cleaning your outdoor compressor unit is an absolute must. When you initially look at the dirt and grime that gets stuck onto the components of your outdoor compressor unit, you may be thinking that you’ll want to use a high-pressure power washer. Unfortunately, doing so can actually damage the sensitive internal components of your system. Sensitive Metals Can Be Damaged Some of the internal components of your air conditioning system, such as its fins and coils, are constructed of sensitive copper and aluminum metals.

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5 Tips for Making Your AC Unit More Energy Efficient

July 15, 2022

It’s no secret that the summer months in the Austin, TX area tend to be sweltering. As the temperature outside rises higher and higher, it can be difficult to resist the temptation to have the air conditioning blowing all day long. While that constant cool air would certainly be refreshing, it can also result in a ton of extra energy being used, which will really hurt your wallet when the monthly bills arrive. However, staying comfortable this summer doesn’t have to mean spending huge amounts of money. If you take a few prudent measures, you can improve your air conditioner’s

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4 Ways Air Conditioning Contributes to Air Pollution

June 20, 2022

Air conditioning can relieve the discomfort of living in humid climates, but is air conditioning a significant source of air pollution? How does it affect the environment? This blog post addresses these questions and explains how air conditioning causes air pollution. Air conditioning brings many benefits to our lives, including comfort, cognitive ability, and lowered stress levels. It also has some not-so-insignificant adverse effects. It’s been blamed for worldwide increases in ozone depletion and other air pollutants. Air conditioning contributes to air pollution through the electricity that powers it and the refrigerants that

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Portable Air Conditioners: How Do They Work?

May 19, 2022

Portable ACs are convenient to use for spot cooling or in small spaces. Most people tend to buy such conditioners for small, disconnected rooms, the attic, or home offices. The advantage of these conditioners is that they are easy to install, store, and move around. These ACs are also effective, and when you have a portable heat pump, you can use it all yearlong. Below, we’ll help you understand how portable ACs work and look into the different portable air conditioners. What Is a Portable Air Conditioner? A portable or stand-up air conditioner is an

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Finding the Ideal Place for Your Thermostat

April 19, 2022

Finding the Ideal Place for Your Thermostat Austin residents can rely on Totally Cool Heating & Air for the comprehensive care of their cooling and heating systems. With over 35 years of experience, we know how to install and maintain every part of your equipment. While thermostats in your home might not get as much attention as your air conditioner or furnace, they play a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable atmosphere. The proper placement of this device will give you a consistent home temperature and improve the efficiency of your system. The Thermostat’s Role in Home Comfort Your

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Is It More Economical to Use a Space Heater or a Furnace?

March 17, 2022

Summers in Austin, TX, are hot, and winters can be frigid. For most Austin homeowners, more than 50% of their energy expenditure is cooling or heating their home. It only makes sense to want to heat your home in the most energy-efficient way possible. Many people have been told that it is less expensive to heat their home with a space heater instead of a furnace. The following factors can influence how much money you will save by using a space heater over a furnace. The Pros and Cons of Space Heaters Your

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The Right Times to Install a New Air Conditioner

February 15, 2022

The best time to install a new air conditioner is when you can plan to get the best value out of the purchase and installation cost. Generally, the best time to install a new air conditioning unit is springtime. However, the season is not the only factor to consider. The condition of your current unit and your energy needs also play a role. Avoid the Summer Rush Summer months are when you need to get the most power out of your AC unit. With hotter temperatures, this is a time when many people find

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